
"If my body were a tree trunk, the rings would surely reveal the time it has had to mature. - Author: Robert M. Hensel

By day, I teach kids to be confident and kind. I teach my 10 nieces and nephews. I teach my two dogs (a pittie boxer and a German Shepherd Pyrenees). I encourage confidence in my love, Austin. And at night, I practice confidence in myself! I create art. I research new methods on how to make something I want in my home, and in others. I find myself digging through random woodpiles in Nebraska or picking up rocks that catch my eye. I practice prints, and I practice jewelry. Which in turn helps me practice patience! This business has become my time to myself, having a purpose. Bringing others close to nature and closer to upcycled materials made with hard work and passion. I hope something on here reaches out to you or inspires you to find a new passion yourself. I thank you so much for stopping by!
"I am at home among trees. - J.R.R. Tolkien"